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The Voice of Canada’s Investment Funds Industry

Total Cost Reporting

The investment funds industry supports regulatory initiatives that provide investors with important information before and after they purchase their investments. This information strengthens investor understanding and confidence.

Providing investors with more complete cost information related to the investment funds they hold is the ultimate goal for regulators and the industry. IFIC strongly supports expanding cost reporting to include costs related to fund management and operating expenses. IFIC believes the best way to both accomplish this goal and reduce the risk of investor confusion is to include fund expenses in the annual report of costs and performance.

IFIC will continue to provide industry input and work closely with our members and regulators on all aspects of the implementation of Total Cost Reporting.


Your Guide To Investment Funds (Winter 2018)

Understand your investments and secure your future

"It's your money. Find out more." – A Toolkit for Dealers and Advisors (November 2017)

The Investment Funds Institute of Canada has created this toolkit to help advisors engage with clients about the new information investors will receive about the performance of their investments and the fees they paid to their dealer under the initiative known as “CRM2”. The materials in this toolkit were created to encourage investors to open their statements and read the new information.

Advisor Insights: Answering Your Clients’ Questions about the Performance of their Investments (November 2017)

This is part of a special three-part series of Advisor Insights. The series focuses on helping advisors have better conversations with their clients about their investments as the final stages of CRM2 are implemented. The other two bulletins in the series are: Advisor Insights: An Opportunity to Strengthen Your Relationships with Clients and Advisor Insights: Answering Your Clients’ Questions about Services and Fees.

Advisor Insights: Answering Your Clients’ Questions about Services and Fees (November 2017)

This is part of a special three-part series of Advisor Insights. The series focuses on helping advisors have better conversations with their clients about their investments as the final stages of CRM2 are implemented. The other two bulletins in the series are: Advisor Insights: An Opportunity to Strengthen Your Relationships with Clients and Advisor Insights: Answering Your Clients’ Questions about the Performance of their Investments.

Advisor Insights: An Opportunity to Strengthen Your Relationships with Clients (November 2017)

This is part of a special three-part series of Advisor Insights that focuses on helping advisors have better conversations with their clients about their investments as the final stages of CRM2 are implemented. The other two bulletins in the series are: Advisor Insights: Answering Your Clients’ Questions about the Performance of their Investments and Advisor Insights: Answering Your Clients’ Questions about Services and Fees.

Your Guide to Investment Funds – Winter 2017

Understand your investments and secure your future.