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The Voice of Canada’s Investment Funds Industry

Total Cost Reporting

The investment funds industry supports regulatory initiatives that provide investors with important information before and after they purchase their investments. This information strengthens investor understanding and confidence.

Providing investors with more complete cost information related to the investment funds they hold is the ultimate goal for regulators and the industry. IFIC strongly supports expanding cost reporting to include costs related to fund management and operating expenses. IFIC believes the best way to both accomplish this goal and reduce the risk of investor confusion is to include fund expenses in the annual report of costs and performance.

IFIC will continue to provide industry input and work closely with our members and regulators on all aspects of the implementation of Total Cost Reporting.


IFIC Submission - CIRO - Enhanced Cost Reporting – Proposed Rule Amendments (January 8, 2025)

IFIC Submission - CSA and CCIR - Proposed Amendments to NI 31-103 and Companion Policy 31-103CP - Total Cost Reporting (July 27, 2022)

Assessment of the Joint Regulators’ Enhanced Fee Disclosure Proposal - PwC

Examines the proposed amendments to fee disclosure (know as total cost disclosure) by the Canadian Securities Administrators (CSA) and the Canadian Council of Insurance Regulators (CCIR). The report focuses specifically on the proposals to the securities sector. The report examines fee disclosure in other key jurisdictions, examines projected impact on investors, and evalutes impact on the industry.

IFIC Submission - CSA Notice and Request for Comment - Modernization of the Prospectus Filing Model for Investment Funds (April 27, 2022)

IFIC Enhanced CRM2 Model Statement (March 2022)

IFIC Response Letter To CSA Joint Committee - Questions on Total Cost Reporting (December 20, 2021)

IFIC Submission - Joint Committee Consultation on Total Cost Reporting (October 13, 2020)

2019 Your Guide to Investment Funds

Helpful information for every stage of your financial journey

IFIC Submission - MFDA (K. Woodard) - Expanded Cost Reporting (July 20, 2018)

Advisor Insights: Global Regulatory Developments in Investor Protection (May 2018)

This issue of Advisor Insights focuses on regulatory developments in 16 countries and is based on a research report that was updated in May 2018. It summarizes report findings in a number of areas, including expanded disclosure, targeted reforms, best interest standard and embedded commissions and includes key points for advisors to discuss with clients.