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The Voice of Canada’s Investment Funds Industry

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It's your money. Find out more. - Video Transcript

Your Guide to Investment Funds – Winter 2017

Understand your investments and secure your future.

Your Guide to Investment Funds

2016 Operations Day Agenda

2016 Annual Leadership Conference Agenda

IFIC Executive Summary — IFIC Response to CSA Consultation Paper 33-404: Proposals to Enhance the Obligations of Advisers, Dealers, and Representatives Toward their Clients

Bulletin0694-M (1)

IIROC Notice 16-0151 Delivery of Documents During a Postal Strike or Lockout

Continuing Education Module on CRM2 Requirements

This online course, available free of charge, is offered by IFSE Institute (the educational arm of IFIC) to teach financial advisors about disclosure requirements and advisor obligations under CRM2. The course is designed for investment dealers, mutual fund dealers, exempt market dealers and their representatives.